Rewards here at Unsworth Academy are extremely important as we believe that positive relationships and praise build the outstanding relationships needed to make outstanding progress for learners.
We reward daily, weekly, half termly, termly and annually using the systems below.
Our school system is based around daily rewards through the ‘Be…’ point system:
What do they mean? |
What do we use them for? |
Arbor Rewards points and Half Termly ‘Scratch Cards’ | |
Be Excellent |
For reaching a class target or grade. Good use of literacy or numeracy in class discussions or written work. An outstanding piece of schoolwork or homework. Any other academic related success. 100% effort or commitment to an activity. Exceeding expectations at any time. Outstanding attitude and behaviour. Excellent discussion work. |
Be Kind |
Being a good citizen. Attendance to enrichment opportunities. Volunteering at school events. Excellence in the community. |
Be Organised |
Having all equipment iPad charged each morning Homework handed in on time Organised revision timetables Having the correct uniform and wearing to a high standard Having the correct PE kit |
Half Termly ‘Scratch Cards’ | |
Be Moral |
Showing kindness to others. Telling the truth. Making the correct decisions. Showing gratitude to staff and peers. Speaking respectfully to staff and peers. Standing up for what is right. Helping others. Being respectful to staff and peers. |
Be Resilient |
Facing challenges. Never giving up, even when it is tough. Learning from mistakes. Helping others when they are struggling. Completing difficult tasks, even when challenges are faced. Being ambitious and setting high standards. |
Be Inclusive |
Never excluding anybody else. Considering people’s individual differences and working with them. Always using encouraging language towards others. Never discriminating against others. Embracing people’s differences. Celebrating all cultures. |
Most Valuable Pupil (MVP) points are awarded every lesson as well. They are for working towards the school's values below.
- Be excellent
- Be organised
- Be resilient
- Be kind
- Be inclusive
- Be moral
Weekly Rewards include:
- Phone calls to parents and carers
- Friday phone call from the Pastoral Manager
- Post cards sent home
- Weekly form breakfasts
- Best attendance trophy
- Most MVP’s in each form weekly receive a treat from the gift bag
- Weekly ‘Be…’ awards celebrated in assembly based on the focus for that term
Half termly/Termly Rewards include:
- Achievement assemblies at the end of each half term to include rewards for each individual subject areas with gift vouchers and certificates
- Trips to Alton Towers, Blackpool Pleasure Beach, Chester, Zoo
- Cinema afternoon experiences
- Headteachers Award with Mr Fair
- ‘Scratch cards’ with various rewards such as front of the queue passes or breakfast items
- ‘Caught you’ card ticket draws for exceptional and above and beyond accomplishments based on the focus for the term
- Attendance rewards for 100% attendance and most improved learners