The Academy Council works very closely with The Principal in a positive and highly effective partnership and has a vital role to play in making sure that each of our learners receives the best possible education.

Statutory Information

Councillor Number Current Vacancies
Co-opted 6 0
Parent 1 1
Staff (teaching/non-teaching) 1 1
Principal 1 0
Total 9  

The Academy Council is composed of 9 councillors as listed above. The term of office for academy councillors of all categories is four years (with the exception of the Principal). 

The Academy Council meet 4 times a year to hold full council meetings. Link role meetings will also be held by all Academy Councillors in addition to the full council meetings. There will be 2 link role meetings per academic year.

The Academy Council works very closely with the Principal in a positive and highly effective partnership. The Principal is the professional leader and chief executive of the school. They are responsible for the organisation, direction and management of the school, the leadership of staff and for all the activities, academic or otherwise, of the school. 

The Academy Council at Unsworth Academy has a vital role to play in making sure that each of its learners receives the best possible education. In particular the Academy Council: 

  • sets the school’s vision and strategic aims, agreeing plans and policies, and making creative use of resources; 
  • monitors and evaluates performance, acting as a critical friend to the Principal to support and challenge them in managing the school; 
  • ensures that the school is accountable to the children and parents it serves, to its local community, the local authority, as well as to the staff it employs; 
  • oversees the financial performance of the school and makes sure its money is well spent. 
  • monitoring and evaluating the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives.

The Academy Council also carries out a number of other important duties, which include: 

  • appointing and dismissing of staff; 
  • hearing appeals and grievances; 
  • setting standards for pupils’ behaviour and discipline; 
  • making sure school buildings are welcoming and safe; 
  • setting and monitoring the school’s aims and policies 
  • attendance at community events and parents evening 
  • bespoke contributions to improvement of the Academy community. 

Being an academy counsellor means giving time, energy and commitment. The role of a school academy counsellor is a voluntary position that is much valued within the education system. It is a position of importance and trust. 

Shaw Education Trust believe in transparency and accountability within their academies and between each Academy and the Trust. The Board will provide support and challenge as required, with the aim of enabling each Academy to work towards earned autonomy.

Local governance and accountability is secured through the Shaw Education Trust’s system of Academy Councils, with the Trust Board retaining overall legal control of its academies in line with Department for Education and Education Funding Agency expectations.

We continually work to develop a culture of diversity, equality and inclusion, in which all those connected to Shaw Education Trust feel proud of their identity and ability to participate fully in school life. In our current structure, governance roles at our academy are composed of approximately 66% white British and 33% minority ethnic background.* Please note that councillors are able to opt out of sharing this information so percentages can only be seen as an approximation. (*The DfE as one of their metrics, suggest that for data collection purposes, any individual who is of any origin other than white British, is defined as being of minority ethnic background.)”

Academy Councillors

Mr Keith Bardsley

Mr Keith Bardsley

Academy Council Chair

Date of appointment: 14/07/22
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed by: Academy Council
Details of Business Interest: Nil
Details of Personal Interest: Nil
Governance role in other educational institutions: Vice Chair of governors Butterstile Primary School
Role: Chair

Mr Liaqat Ali

Mr Liaqat Ali

Academy Council Vice Chair

Date of appointment: 14/07/2022
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed by: Academy Council
Details of Business Interest: Nil
Details of Personal Interest: Nil
Governance role in other educational institutions: Governor at Bury College
Role: AC Vice chair, Health & Safety

Mr Ray Boucher

Mr Ray Boucher


Date of appointment: 14/07/2022
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed by: Academy Council
Details of Business Interest: Company Director/Partner/Owner of any Business/Trustee of a charity – Fencelock Security Services, North of Watford Films Ltd, Now-films ltd, Book of love film ltd
Details of Personal Interest: Nil
Governance role in other educational institutions: Nil
Role: Finance & Pupil Premium

Mr Nathan Boroda

Mr Nathan Boroda


Date of appointment: 15/12/21
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed by: Academy Council
Details of Business Interest: Nil
Details of Personal Interest: Nil
Governance role in other educational institutions: Nil
Role: Quality of Education

Rev Laurie Bullas

Rev Laurie Bullas


Date of appointment: 7/12/21
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed by: Academy Council
Details of Business Interest: Company Director/Partner/Owner of any Business/Trustee of a charity – Trustee of Whitefield Methodist Church
Details of Personal Interest: Nil
Governance role in other educational institutions: Governor at Whitefield Primary
Role: Vision, Values and Staff Wellbeing

Mr Alex Fair

Mr Alex Fair


Date of appointment: 1/09/22
Term of office: n/a
Appointed by: Ex-officio by virtue of office as Principal
Details of Business Interest: Nil
Details of Personal Interest: Nil
Governance role in other educational institutions: Nil

Mr Scot Nield

Mr Scot Nield


Date of appointment: 07/12/2023
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed by: Elected by staff
Details of Business Interest: Nil
Details of Personal Interest: Nil
Governance role in other educational institutions: Nil
Role: Staff Academy Councillor

Mr Alen Ramic

Mr Alen Ramic


Date of appointment 07/05/24
Term of office 4 years
Appointed by: Elected by staff
Details of Business Interest: Nil
Details of Personal Interest: Nil
Governance role in other education institutions: Nil
Role : Staff Academy Councillor

Mrs Sameena Sabir

Mrs Sameena Sabir


Date of appointment: 22/10/2021
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed by: Academy Council
Details of Business Interest: Nil
Details of Personal Interest: Nil
Governance role in other educational institutions: Nil
Role Careers and Aspirations

Mr Anton Slawycz

Mr Anton Slawycz


Date of appointment: 13/07/2023
Term of office: 4 years
Appointed by: Academy Council
Details of Business Interest: Nil
Details of Personal Interest: Nil
Governance role in other educational institutions: Nil
Role: SEN

Mrs R. Owen

Governance professional

Scheme of Delegation

Updated: 19/09/2023 961 KB



2023-24 Full Council Meeting Dates

Term Full Academy Council
Autumn Thursday 21st September 2023
Tuesday 7th December 2023
Summer Tuesday 19th March 2024
Spring Thursday 11th July 2024